Sunday, October 15, 2017

Agile Scrum Methodology

I really enjoyed learning about Scrum as one of the different Agile methodologies. Scrum focuses on teamwork and project management. It has has 5 stages - 1) Sprint Planning 2) Sprint 3) Daily Scrum 4) Sprint Review and 5) Retrospective. The main Scrum values are: Courage, Focus, Commitment, respect and Openness.

I am currently using Scrum for my McGuire Entrepreneurship project and there has been a tremendous improvement in my team's communication, teamwork, and speed. I highly recommend learning about this methodology and applying it to your group work in Eller! Here is a link to learn more about the Scrum methodology! An interview with the founders of Scrum, Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber, is included!


  1. Say more about how you use Scrum on your team!

  2. This is pretty cool! You are the first person I know to use Scrum for a project. How did it work out for the project? Did you run into any issues with your group and the Scrum application? Id like to know more!
