Friday, September 29, 2017

Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality in Business-to-Business

      Manytime, the advanced technology is introduced to the majority by gaming. For the best example, VR, called virtual reality is introduced to millions of game players as SONY launch many popular games on PlayStation with VR technology. AR, stood for augmented reality, become a trend when Pokemon Go came out last year in July. However, what not all people knew about is that both VR and AR have been quickly integrity into the B2B business world. When the production technology of these devices become mature, we can see the big difference in how the deal will be made.

  • “AR – for digital information overlaid on the real, physical world”
  • “VR – for a completely digital environment”

The current trend we can see is that AR and VR both are used in business for sales.

Virtual Reality
VR can show clients exactly what the products look like. These are extremely useful for sales of big products like vehicles, jets, or for new innovative products that not existed, so far. The VR is predicting to dominate the new way of sales in B2B and overtake the position of a PowerPoint. Besides products, information can be shown in a VR glasses with more remarkable visual effect.

Augment Reality
AR is also crazy in B2B sales as it is used to replace a human being. Though sounds scary, but the statement can be true. AR is like the salesman that presents the information at the proper location when a client needed them, visually. Currently, salesmen guide clients in an exhibition and use a touchpad to store or present information. In the future, clients may be able to borrow the touchpad and explore the sales exhibition on their own, especially if artificial intelligence become available too (another topic…)

According to history, the term MR, which means mixed reality, is developed in 1994. The term refers to the development of every sensory environment. How are they different? As Quote ”With AR, the digital overlay usually appears to float on a plan in front of the observer, while with MR it’s possible to walk around a virtual object to see if from all sides.” Personally, I see MR as the ultimate goal. There are some situations that we would prefer to create detail senses to fulfill the needs. Imagine using MR to do online shopping: the customer will see and “try out” how a product works before buying, at home. As another example, Microsoft plans to implement their MR technology to support products engineering. Many people also expecting MR to use for training employees than VR of AR. However, I have to said that, with current development, applying AR and VR into different uses is actually more cost-effective and will fit the need of different conditions for business cases. For example, a current MR device developed by Microsoft required many sensing devices to be put everywhere on a user, VR needs a cheap VR glasses for the minimum, AR is already applied to a smartphone. With high feasibility, we will see more and more chances of VR and AR in the B2B enterprise.

More about VR, AR, MR and best practices Link1:


  1. This post reminds me of a show that I just recently watched. It is called "Ballers", and is played on HBO. Essentially, the main character on that show was attempting to put together a presentation for investors. He employed a vr team to develop a to-scale environment of the project that he was working on, and then used that to pitch his proposal to the investors. After watching that, I could not help but be amazed at how helpful and revolutionizing vr could be in the business world. Investors will no longer need to rely on sketches and diagrams, they will be able to experience something close to the real thing themselves!

    1. Yes! Thank for the reply. I agree with your last statement about bring a more visual presentation for sales. I just want to point out that, so far the recording video for VR, using a 360 degree camera, has a terrible quality and unaffordable. With that said, you would expect many 3D models made for VR instead of the "read thing". We can look forward for a better 360 degree camera in the future.
